Source code for sequenza.vcf

from __future__ import division

import re
from sequenza.izip import zip_coordinates
from sequenza.seqz import acgt2seqz, seqz_header

[docs]def vcf_headline_content(line): ''' Try to get the string enclosed by "< ... >" in the VCF header ''' start = None end = None counter = 0 for character in line: if start is None: if character == '<': start = counter + 1 else: if character == '>': end = counter counter += 1 if start and end: column = line[0:start - 1].strip('##').strip('=') content = line[start:end] pattern = re.compile(r'''((?:[^,"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)''') content = pattern.split(content)[1::2] header_line = {} for item in content: key, value = item.split('=', 1) value = value.strip('"').split(':') if len(value) == 2: header_line[key] = [value[0], value[1].strip(' ').split('|')] else: header_line[key] = value[0] line_id = header_line.pop('ID', None) return (column, line_id, header_line)
def vcf_header(vcf_line, field='FORMAT', header=dict()): if vcf_line.startswith('##%s' % field): header_line = vcf_headline_content(vcf_line) if header_line: column = header_line[0] if column not in header.keys(): header[column] = {} header[column][header_line[1]] = header_line[2] else: header[column][header_line[1]] = header_line[2] return header def vfc2seqz(parsed_vcf, gc_wig, hom_t=0.85, het_t=0.35, het_f=-0.1): vcf_gc = zip_coordinates(parsed_vcf, gc_wig) header = seqz_header() yield header for line in vcf_gc: pos = line[0] vcf_line = line[1] gc = vcf_line[4] ref = vcf_line[0] alt = vcf_line[1].split(',')[0] normal = touple2acgt(ref, alt, vcf_line[2]) tumor = touple2acgt(ref, alt, vcf_line[3]) base_list = [ref, alt] if sum([normal[i] for i in base_list]) > 0 and vcf_line[2][0] > 0: seqz_line = acgt2seqz(normal, tumor, hom_t, het_t, het_f, vcf_line[2][0], vcf_line[3][0], ref, gc, [ref, alt]) if seqz_line: yield [pos[0], pos[1]] + seqz_line def touple2acgt(ref, alt, item): item = list(item[1]) if len(item) >= 4: a = item[0] + item[1] b = item[2] + item[3] try: z_a = item[0] / a except ZeroDivisionError: z_a = 0 try: z_b = item[2] / b except ZeroDivisionError: z_b = 0 Z = [z_a, z_b] else: a = item[0] b = item[1] Z = [0, 0] return {ref: a, alt: b, 'Z': Z}
[docs]def vcf_parse(vcf_file, sample_order='n/t', field='FORMAT', depth=['DP', 'DP'], alleles=['AD', 'AD'], preset=None): ''' Parse the specified tags of a vcf file to retrieve total and per-allele depth information. ''' vcf_read = vcf_reader(vcf_file) header_list = dict() header = None tumor_col = None normal_col = None format_col = None for vcf_item in vcf_read: if 'headerlist' in vcf_item: header_list = vcf_header(vcf_item['headerlist'], field, header_list) elif 'header' in vcf_item: header = vcf_item['header'] last_col = len(header) - 1 format_col = header.index(field) if sample_order == 'n/t': tumor_col = last_col normal_col = tumor_col - 1 elif sample_order == 't/n': normal_col = last_col tumor_col = normal_col - 1 elif 'line' in vcf_item: line_i = vcf_item['line'] chromosome = line_i[0] position = int(line_i[1]) ref_alt = line_i[3:5] tumor_i = line_i[tumor_col] normal_i = line_i[normal_col] format_i = line_i[format_col] normal_i = split_format(format_i, normal_i, depth[0], alleles[0], ref_alt, ':', ',', preset) tumor_i = split_format(format_i, tumor_i, depth[1], alleles[1], ref_alt, ':', ',', preset) yield((chromosome, position, position + 1), (line_i[3], line_i[4], normal_i, tumor_i))
def split_format(format_str, format_content, depth, alleles, ref_alt, split_char1=':', split_char2=',', preset=None): format_str = format_str.split(split_char1) format_content = format_content.split(split_char1) if preset is None: allele_idx = format_str.index(alleles) alleles_val = map(int, format_content[allele_idx].split(split_char2)) try: depth_idx = format_str.index(depth) depth_val = int(format_content[depth_idx]) except ValueError: depth_val = sum(alleles_val) return (depth_val, alleles_val) else: if preset == 'caveman': return preset_caveman(format_str, format_content, ref_alt) elif preset == 'strelka2_som': return preset_strelka2som(format_str, format_content, ref_alt) else: return split_format(format_str, format_content, depth, alleles, ref_alt, ':', ',', None) def preset_caveman(format_str, format_content, ref_alt): idx_fa = format_str.index('FAZ') idx_fc = format_str.index('FCZ') idx_fg = format_str.index('FGZ') idx_ft = format_str.index('FTZ') idx_ra = format_str.index('RAZ') idx_rc = format_str.index('RCZ') idx_rg = format_str.index('RGZ') idx_rt = format_str.index('RTZ') fa, fc, fg, ft, ra, rc, rg, rt = [int(format_content[i]) for i in [ idx_fa, idx_fc, idx_fg, idx_ft, idx_ra, idx_rc, idx_rg, idx_rt]] depth_val = sum([fa, fc, fg, ft, ra, rc, rg, rt]) alleles_dict = { 'A': [fa, ra], 'C': [fc, rc], 'G': [fg, rg], 'T': [ft, rt] } alleles_val = alleles_dict[ref_alt[0]] + alleles_dict[ref_alt[1]] return(depth_val, alleles_val) def preset_strelka2som(format_str, format_content, ref_alt): tier_idx = 1 idx_fa = format_str.index('AU') idx_fc = format_str.index('CU') idx_fg = format_str.index('GU') idx_ft = format_str.index('TU') fa, fc, fg, ft = [map(int, format_content[i].split(',')) for i in [ idx_fa, idx_fc, idx_fg, idx_ft]] depth_val = sum([fa[tier_idx], fc[tier_idx], fg[tier_idx], ft[tier_idx]]) alleles_dict = { 'A': fa[tier_idx], 'C': fc[tier_idx], 'G': fg[tier_idx], 'T': ft[tier_idx] } alleles_val = [alleles_dict[ref_alt[0]], alleles_dict[ref_alt[1]]] return(depth_val, alleles_val) def vcf_reader(vcf_file): for line in vcf_file: if line.startswith('##'): yield {'headerlist': line} elif line.startswith('#'): yield {'header': line.rstrip().split('\t')} else: yield {'line': line.rstrip().split('\t')}