Source code for sequenza.seqz

from __future__ import division
    import __pypy__
    from sequenza.pileup import acgt
except ImportError:
        from sequenza.c_pileup import acgt
    except ImportError:
        from sequenza.pileup import acgt

def seqz_header():
    header = ['chromosome', 'position', 'base.ref', 'depth.normal',
              'depth.tumor', 'depth.ratio', 'Af', 'Bf',
              'zygosity.normal', 'GC.percent', 'good.reads',
              'AB.normal', 'AB.tumor', 'tumor.strand']
    return header

[docs]def unpack_data(data): ''' Unpack normal, tumor and gc info from the specific touple structure and remove redundant information ''' if len(data) == 4: normal_line, tumor_line, gc, alt_line = data try: null, alt_depth, null = alt_line.split('\t', 2) except ValueError: alt_depth = 0 alt_depth = int(alt_depth) else: alt_depth = None normal_line, tumor_line, gc = data ref, p1_str = normal_line.split('\t', 1) null, p2_str = tumor_line.split('\t', 1) p1_list = p1_str.split('\t') p2_list = p2_str.split('\t') ref = str(ref).upper() if alt_depth: p1_list[0] = alt_depth else: p1_list[0] = int(p1_list[0]) p2_list[0] = int(p2_list[0]) return(ref, p1_list, p2_list, alt_depth, gc)
[docs]def acgt_genotype(acgt_dict, freq_list, strand_list, hom_t, het_t, het_f, bases_list): ''' Return the alleles in the genotype ''' alleles = list() AB_max = sorted(freq_list, reverse=True)[:2] ref_idx = freq_list.index(AB_max[0]) alleles.append(ref_idx) if AB_max[0] < hom_t and AB_max[1] >= het_t: alt_idx = [i for i in range(len(freq_list)) if freq_list[i] == AB_max[1] and i != alleles[0]][0] alt = bases_list[alt_idx] alt_fw_freq = strand_list[alt_idx] / acgt_dict[alt] if het_f < alt_fw_freq < (1 - het_f): alleles.append(alt_idx) return alleles
def acgt2seqz(normal, tumor, hom_t, het_t, het_f, normal_depth, tumor_depth, ref, gc, bases_list): normal_strand = normal['Z'] normal.pop('Z') sum_normal = sum(normal.values()) if sum_normal > 0: tumor_strand = tumor['Z'] tumor.pop('Z') sum_tumor = sum(tumor.values()) if sum_tumor > 0: normal_freq = [normal[x] / sum_normal for x in bases_list] tumor_freq = [tumor[x] / sum_tumor for x in bases_list] # Genotype normal alleles = acgt_genotype(normal, normal_freq, normal_strand, hom_t, het_t, het_f, bases_list) sum_tumor = sum(tumor.values()) tumor_freq = [tumor[x] / sum_tumor for x in bases_list] if len(alleles) == 1: return parse_homoz(tumor, tumor_freq, sum_tumor, tumor_strand, normal, normal_depth, tumor_depth, alleles, ref, gc, bases_list) elif len(alleles) == 2: # Sort the genotype in the tumor if tumor_freq[alleles[0]] < tumor_freq[alleles[1]]: alleles = list(reversed(alleles)) return parse_heteroz(tumor, tumor_freq, sum_tumor, tumor_strand, normal, normal_depth, tumor_depth, alleles, ref, gc, bases_list) def do_seqz(data, depth_sum=20, qlimit=53, hom_t=0.85, het_t=0.35, het_f=-0.1): info = unpack_data(data) bases_list = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] if info[1][0] + info[2][0] >= depth_sum and len(info[1]) == len(info[2]): normal = acgt(info[1][1], info[1][2], info[1][0], info[0], qlimit) tumor = acgt(info[2][1], info[2][2], info[2][0], info[0], qlimit) return acgt2seqz(normal, tumor, hom_t, het_t, het_f, info[1][0], info[2][0], info[0], info[4], bases_list) def parse_homoz(tumor, tumor_freq, sum_tumor, tumor_strand, normal, normal_depth, tumor_depth, alleles, ref, gc, bases_list): i = alleles[0] no_zero_idx = [x for x in range(len(tumor_freq)) if tumor_freq[x] > 0 and normal[bases_list[x]] == 0] no_zero_bases = ['%s%s' % (bases_list[x], round(tumor_freq[x], 3)) for x in no_zero_idx if x != i] if len(no_zero_bases) == 0: no_zero_bases = '.' strands_bases = '0' else: no_zero_bases = ":".join(map(str, no_zero_bases)) strands_bases = ['%s%s' % (bases_list[ll], round(tumor_strand[ll] / tumor[bases_list[ll]], 3)) for ll in no_zero_idx if ll != i] strands_bases = ":".join(map(str, strands_bases)) homoz_tumor = tumor_freq[i] return [ref, normal_depth, tumor_depth, round(tumor_depth / normal_depth, 3), round(homoz_tumor, 3), 0, 'hom', gc, sum_tumor, bases_list[i], no_zero_bases, strands_bases] def parse_heteroz(tumor, tumor_freq, sum_tumor, tumor_strand, normal, normal_depth, tumor_depth, alleles, ref, gc, bases_list): genotype = ''.join([bases_list[idx] for idx in alleles]) tumor_freqs = sorted([tumor_freq[i] for i in alleles], reverse=True) return [ref, normal_depth, tumor_depth, '%.3f' % (int(tumor_depth) / int(normal_depth)), round(tumor_freqs[0], 3), round(tumor_freqs[1], 3), 'het', gc, sum_tumor, genotype, '.', '0'] def binned_seqz(seqz_file, window): def reset_window(): return [None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] def format_seqz_window(window): seqz_template = '%s\t%i\tN\t%i\t%i\t%s\t1.0\t0\thom\t%s\t%s\tN\t.\t0\n' return seqz_template % ( window[0], window[1], int(round(window[2] / window[6], 0)), int(round(window[3] / window[6], 0)), round(window[4] / window[6], 3), int(round(window[5] / window[6], 0)), window[6]) def replace_gc(lines, gc): if lines == '': return lines else: lines = lines.rstrip().split('\n') new_gc = list() for line in lines: line = line.split('\t') line[9] = gc new_gc.append('\t'.join(map(str, line))) return '%s\n' % '\n'.join(new_gc) window_i = reset_window() buffer_line = '' for line in seqz_file: if line.startswith('chromosome'): yield line else: chromosome, position, ref, depth_n, depth_t, \ depth_r, Af, Bf, genotype, gc, good_reads, \ alleles_n, alleles_t, strand_t = line.split('\t') position = int(position) if genotype == 'het' or alleles_t != '.': buffer_line += line if window_i[0] is None: window_i[0] = chromosome window_i[1] = int(position) if window_i[0] == chromosome: if position - window_i[1] <= window: window_i[2] += int(depth_n) window_i[3] += int(depth_t) window_i[4] += float(depth_r) window_i[5] += float(gc) window_i[6] += 1 else: yield format_seqz_window(window_i) + replace_gc( buffer_line, int(round(window_i[5] / window_i[6], 0))) buffer_line = '' window_i = [chromosome, position, int(depth_n), int(depth_t), float(depth_r), float(gc), 1] else: yield format_seqz_window(window_i) + replace_gc( buffer_line, int(round(window_i[5] / window_i[6], 0))) window_i = [chromosome, position, int(depth_n), int(depth_t), float(depth_r), float(gc), 1] buffer_line = '' yield format_seqz_window(window_i) + replace_gc( buffer_line, int(round(window_i[5] / window_i[6], 0)))