Source code for sequenza.samtools

import shlex
import subprocess
import os
import signal

from distutils.spawn import find_executable

[docs]class bam_mpileup: ''' Use samtools via subprocess and return an iterable object. ''' def __init__(self, bam, fasta, q=20, Q=20, samtools_bin='samtools', regions=[]): samtools_bin = find_executable(samtools_bin) if samtools_bin is None: raise Exception(( 'Please install samtools or provide samtools path in the ' 'appropriate argument')) samtools_view = "%s view -u %s" % (samtools_bin, bam) samtools_view = shlex.split(samtools_view) + regions samtools_pile = "%s mpileup -f %s -q %i -Q %i -" % ( samtools_bin, fasta, q, Q) samtools_pile = shlex.split(samtools_pile) self.proc1 = subprocess.Popen( samtools_view, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=4096) self.proc2 = subprocess.Popen(samtools_pile, stdin=self.proc1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=4096) def __iter__(self): while True: try: yield next(self.proc2.stdout).decode('utf-8') except StopIteration: break def close(self): self.proc1.stdout.close() # self.proc2.communicate() kill_subproc(self.proc1) kill_subproc(self.proc2) self.proc2.stdout.close()
[docs]class indexed_pileup: ''' Use tabix via subprocess to slice the pileup data and return an iterable object ''' def __init__(self, pileup, tabix_bin='tabix', regions=[]): tabix_bin = find_executable(tabix_bin) if tabix_bin is None: raise Exception(( 'Please install tabix or provide tabix path in the ' 'appropriate argument')) tabix = "%s %s" % (tabix_bin, pileup) tabix = shlex.split(tabix) + regions self.proc = subprocess.Popen(tabix, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=4096) def __iter__(self): for line in self.proc.stdout: yield line.decode('utf-8') def close(self): kill_subproc(self.proc) self.proc.stdout.close()
[docs]def tabix_seqz(file_name, tabix_bin='tabix', seq=1, begin=2, end=2, skip=1): ''' Index a seqz file with tabix ''' tabix_bin = find_executable(tabix_bin) if tabix_bin is None: raise Exception(( 'Please install tabix or provide tabix path in the ' 'appropriate argument')) tabix = "%s -f -s %s -b %s -e %s -S %s %s" % ( tabix_bin, seq, begin, end, skip, file_name) tabix = shlex.split(tabix) proc1 = subprocess.Popen(tabix) proc1.communicate()
[docs]def program_version(program): ''' Parse tabix or samtools help message in attempt to retrieve the software version: return format: [major, minor, *] ''' program_bin = find_executable(program) if program_bin is None: raise Exception(( 'Please install %s or provide %s path in the ' 'appropriate argument') % (program, program)) else: proc1 = subprocess.Popen([program_bin], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc1.stderr: if line.startswith(b'Version:'): return map(int, line.rstrip().split(b' ')[1].split(b'.'))
def kill_subproc(proc): try: proc.kill() proc.wait() except AttributeError: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) os.waitpid(, 0)